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1. Scope

   Standardization in the field of fine ceramics materials and products in all forms: powders, monoliths, coatings and composites, intended for specific functional applications including mechanical, thermal, chemical, electrical, magnetic, optical and combinations thereof. The term "fine ceramics" is defined as "a highly engineered, high performance, predominantly non-metallic, inorganic material having specific functional attributes."
Note: Alternative terms for fine ceramics are advanced ceramics, engineered ceramics, technical ceramics, or high performance ceramics.

2. Business Plan

ISO-TC 206 -Fine ceramics Business plan

3. メンバー国

Participating countries: 議決権のある国

Observing countries: 関係文書の配布のみ

4. 発行済みIS一覧

5. 審議中のIS一覧

6. 2023年度の国内業務委員会/幹事国業務委員会開催状況および国際活動

 6.1 幹事国業務委員会・国内委員会

    第1回    2023年  7月

    第2回    2023年11月予定

 6.2 国際活動

    ISO/TC206 第30回総会(京都) 2023年10月

